Solving the Mystery of Nonprofit Financials Part 3
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Solving the Mystery of Nonprofit Financials – Part 3: Telling Your Story In this session we take a deeper dive into nonprofit financials. We will discuss how to use your nonprofit financials to tell your story through KPIs, dashboards and the annual report. Join us as we bring the reporting process full circle and help you plan for the future of your organization. Attendance at previous sessions is not required. Co-Hosted by FORVIS About the trainer: Jessica Richter has over 22 years of experience providing audit, tax and consulting services for a variety of nonprofit organizations, school districts, public universities, state agencies, municipalities and telecommunications companies. Jessica’s specialties include financial reporting and auditing, financial projections and forecasts, due diligence, cost allocations, revenue assurance, loan applications, Single Audit (Uniform Guidance) and business consulting. This is the first training of a 3-part training. Stay tuned for information about the next 2 training sessions.
$10 for INA members; $50 for not-yet-members